National City, CA 91951

Register My Alarm

*Do not Register Your Alarm if you received a letter from us. Please use the login credentials provided on the notice and login from the Home page.

Commercial / Residential Permit Registration Fee: $30.00 (2yr Term)

Commercial / Residential Permit Renewal Fee: $30.00

Seniors 70+ & Disabled - Permit Registration & Renewal $0.00 (false alarm charges still apply)

Seniors mail in a copy of drivers license with application, disabled please mail proof of award letter.

Government & School Locations - Permit Registration & Renewal $0.00

15% late fee applied to all payments received 30 days after invoice date.

If you need assistance or would like to register over the phone please contact us at (888) 865-9770.

Alarm System
Alarm Location Address
Alarm Billing Address
Additional Alarm Information
Firearms at Location?
Fire Alarm Installed at Location?
Pets on Premises?
Pet Location
Emergency Contact
